We created this map based off of another Washington, D.C. map that had already been created. The couple was marrying over Thanksgiving weekend and were having about 15 guests over to their house for a pre-wedding party and wanted to include a special map!
The bride (actually, Mother of the Bride, who I primarily worked with) wanted to be sure that all of the classic D.C. icons were included (White House, Capitol Building, Potomac River) as well as their townhouse, but other than that, she was open to keeping the map basically “as-is” from the previous design.We are always willing to work off previously designed maps, and this is especially usefuly if you are working in a time pinch! But please know that the changes need to be minimal (i.e. removing or adding roads or a changing to a different calligraphy script both require new map designs) if you would like to use a map previously shown on our website, blog or facebook pages.