


Be inspired by the timeless designs Laura has been creating since 2002 and begin your own paper experience with our calligraphy and color visual. Find out today how we can be of service— no matter where you are in the wedding planning process. 



Learn how Laura and Alyssa continue to foster the cornerstone of their company with calligraphy tools and teaching for beginners, hobbyists and beyond— as well as in-person services to enhance events and take the stress out of stationery.   

Discover how Laura’s beloved landscape contributes to her creativity and be inspired to make every day artful with curated calligraphy solutions, fine art influenced by Foxhill, and sought-after garden goods.



Discover how Laura’s beloved landscape contributes to her creativity and be inspired to make every day artful with curated calligraphy solutions, fine art influenced by Foxhill, and sought-after garden goods.





Meet Laura Hooper and Alyssa Law, the practiced pair behind the Design House, and discover how Laura’s beloved landscape in Foxhill Garden contributes to her creativity.

filed under: About Laura

A Family Affair

As a boutique company, many clients often wonder about our volume of work and how we are able to manage it. Well, I would never be able to do the work that I do without the help of my assistant, also known as “Mom.” My mother, Roxanne, has worked her entire adult life, but she left her full-time job in Santa Monica a couple of years ago to become my part-time assistant. However, as Laura Hooper Calligraphy has grown, so has the time committment and dedication from my mom. Every day we work together to organize our projects and interact with our clients and vendors. Since I do so much of my work by hand, it’s impossible to take every call we get, and that’s what my mother is there for!This is truly a wonderful experience to share with my mom. She is the only person I trust complicitly with my clients’ precious stationery, placecards, maps, totes – everything. She is dependable and responsible and very crafty with assembly, allowing me to focus on the art of calligraphy and my creativity in order to satisfy our customers’ dream wedding needs.Another important member of the team is my Dad. My father, Don, retired 2 years ago after serving 35 years on the job at the LAPD. However, we keep him quite busy between his Bruin football games and Dodger Baseball — My dad is responsible for coordinating all the deliveries to and from our various printing vendors which are located all over the San Fernando Valley. He uses his years as a lieutenant to keep me and my mother focused and makes sure all our orders are printed to the highest standards of quality.{My dad, my sister, and me just this past January on a family vacation}Also important to note that my dad was the original driving force behind Laura Hooper Calligraphy. He has always told my sister and me that we could do whatever we want in life, but we should find jobs where we get to do the things we love everyday. After I did the calligraphy for my best friend’s wedding over 5 years ago, my dad bought me my first website and started referring me to his cop buddies whose daughters were all getting married.Last but not least is my younger sister Alyssa {also pictured above}. My sister is a graduate of UCLA and is currently working on an MBA. Originally as a starving student I would throw her odd jobs such as organizing files and plotting points of interest for my custom maps. Now, in addition to the maps, she works on PR and helps choose topics for the blog.It’s great to have such a wonderful family to lean on for support when running “the business” as everyone who knows us seems to call it. There is no way I would be able to do all my work with out my loving family!

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Thank you for your interest in Laura Hooper Design House. All images are copyright 2022 by Laura Hooper Design House unless we have otherwise credited them. We invite you to link to the LHC blog or use the photos in your own blog as long as it is accompanied by a credit & link back to the initial blog post. Please do not take any of my work for commercial OR personal use without getting permission from us first.

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