Have you ever found yourself so enraptured in an activity that you lose track of time and forget where you are?
Experts refer to this as a flow state — a feeling of fluidity between body and mind when you find yourself completely absorbed in a task, deeply focused, and beyond distraction (headspace).
Athletes often describe this as being “in the zone.” Artists call it “finding their inspiration” or “their muse.” Those who practice meditation refer to it as a “transcendent” experience.

However you describe it, the flow state is a precious experience that promotes mental acuity and well-being.
Much like gardening, many of the oldest people in the world practice the art of calligraphy. In honor of National Handwriting Day on January 23rd, we’re sharing how Laura discovered the wellness and therapeutic benefits of calligraphy.
Calligraphy is an art form that requires precision and creativity. Calligraphers must be entirely in tune with what their minds want and what their hands can do. And this makes calligraphy one of the prettiest and most creative ways to experience the benefits of flow….
….once you’re proficient in the art of calligraphy, that is!
Even though calligraphy can help align your body and mind into a transcendent state, getting to that point takes time.

New calligraphers must overcome a fairly steep learning curve —
✔ They need to learn how to use the tools.
✔ They need to develop their technique.
✔ And they need to be patient with acquiring the skill.
And that’s not always easy.
My journey to becoming a sought-after calligrapher wasn’t easy initially. I wasn’t using the right tools. And as a self-taught artist, I made many mistakes that got in the way of my progress.
In fact, it took at least three years before I was a proficient enough artist to experience that incredible ease and alignment that many calligraphers relish.
Could I have had that experience sooner?
If I knew then what I know now, I would tell you that having the right tools and proper guidance is the best way to get all the benefits calligraphy offers.
That glorious connection between your pen and mind will never happen with a shoddy nib, gloopy ink, or inadequate paper.
And you can try to scan the internet for how-tutorials (like I did), but with a measured and well-planned process, your progress will be improved by necessary mistakes.
Calligraphy is a creative act that brings beauty into the world. And it works through you.
And if you want to get the most out of your calligraphy experience, start on the right foot with proper guidance and gear.

If you want an example of what I recommend, check out what’s included in our Calligraphy Starter Kit.
And, if you already have the right tools but need a little more guidance on the best way to practice, check out our Calligraphy Practice Plan.
This is everything I wish I had had when I started as a calligrapher. And it’s designed to ensure that your skills develop quickly and easily, so you can begin experiencing the creative flow this art form brings.
Remember, calligraphy can be an act of mindfulness. It’s meditative. It can even be healing.
Discover a fantastic way to find your flow this #NationalHandwritingDay through calligraphy. Find our full collection of tools and online courses in our online shop to get started!