{Paula Escort Cards}One question I get asked quite frequently as a calligrapher is “What is the difference between a placecard and an escort card?” And the answer, simply put, is that your escort cards will be put at a central location at the reception, either organized on a table by last name, or hanging on a tree, or some other creative display method. Your guests will find their card, and will then locate their table number indicated somewhere on the card.
Often times the bride will choose a small envelope with each guest’s name written on it with an insert card inside that tells them which table they are seated at. These adorable envelopes are also available for purchase on our site.{Calligraphy in Bickham Swash Caps}
The photo above is a placecard. Placecards sit at each individual place setting, and the guests locate their tables using their escort cards that they have previously located. Unless you are having a small event, it’s probably best to not have placecards without the use of escort cards to lessen the confusion of your guests!{Image courtesy of Beth Helmstetter, Calligraphy in Cherise Script}
These sanddollars were used as placecards, layered over the napkin which hugged the menus we created as well.{Sanddollar Placecards are available for purchase}