Take a look at this amazing letter press invitation suite by Nessa Sander of Cardgirl. The bride and groom ordered their invitations, reply cards, itinerary with map on the reverse side, welcome cards for their welcome packages, escort cards and even personalized notecards for their thank yous – all in warm shades of brown and sepia. The “outdoorsy” look is exemplified through not only the custom invitation design, but also the shimmery brown envelopes and calligraphy in two different shades.
We created the artwork for the names and some other aspects of the invitation suite, and then sent the files to Nessa, who turned them into these gorgeous works of art!
Check out their adorable welcome boxes complete with a personal note as well as a larger color version of their custom map we printed for the bride – just perfect!
Guests found their seats using these escort card/envelope sets that were lined up on a table outside the reception.